
I was born in 1985, happily married and have 2 wonderful children. As a family who loves to travel, we spend our free time in beautiful places around the world. As a sports enthusiast, I am always looking for new sporting challenges and love speed.

As someone who embraces life with open arms, I'm less concerned about what others think of me, focusing instead on making the most of every moment. I always view criticism as constructive feedback. My energy and entrepreneurial spirit propel me forward in both social settings and discussions, where I inspire others with my enthusiasm for the new and visionary. I often have a keen sense for emerging trends and developments and possess the rare ability to juggle multiple things at once – a glance at my Kindle, filled with books on various topics, and the "jungle" of notes in my phone suffices as proof. With a resolute nature and a clear set of goals in sight, I don't easily stray from my path. Despite having achieved considerable success and financial stability, I keep going. When asked why I don't just stop, my answer is always: Because I'm not done yet! I pursue my visions with focused energy, always open to the next step towards the goals I've set in my personal 12-year plan. Yes, you read that right: a 12-year plan that precisely defines my next steps and helps me be proud of today, tomorrow!


The notion that success is easily attainable persists. As an entrepreneur, however, you know that this is far from the truth. Hard work and team spirit are the driving forces behind every successful business. Entrepreneurship is a challenge with its own costs, but also its rewards. The trick is to view each challenge as a common source of motivation. After all, problems are basically just opportunities to change direction, or are they?

Rather, success itself depends on the combined efforts of all involved to achieve a common goal. But sometimes greed and the egos of individuals present unexpected obstacles. It is a fallacy to believe that the accumulation of possessions leads to happiness. In fact, it is recognition and shared experiences that produce true happiness. And when we do what we love, happiness seems to attract us almost magically.

Doch wir dürfen nicht vergessen, dass Scheitern ein unvermeidlicher Teil des Prozesses ist. Meine persönlichen Misserfolge haben mir im Laufe der Jahre unbezahlbare Lektionen vermittelt. Die Weisheit, dass man sieben Mal hinfallen und acht Mal wieder aufstehen kann, verdeutlicht die Bedeutung von Widerstandsfähigkeit und Siegeswillen. Diese Botschaft versuche ich stets zu vermitteln, wenn ich mich mit anderen Unternehmern austausche.

What you do with this information is entirely up to you, but remember: the only thing the world owes you is opportunity.

To your success,

Angel Investor

I help young entrepreneurs achieve their business and personal goals by bringing a wealth of passion, experience and knowledge. From technology to project development to exit strategy, I act as an investor in an ever-growing portfolio of companies.

As a mentor and coach, I examine the needs of the business, analyze the problems and develop manageable solutions for business growth. I also help to improve the profitability of each company by optimizing the marketing structure and strategy.

Direct Co-Investor

Als Direct Co-Investor unterstütze ich Family Offices und Private Equity-Gesellschaften durch aktive Direct Co-Investments. Mein Engagement beginnt bereits beim Deal Sourcing, profitiert von meinem umfassenden Netzwerk und erstreckt sich über die gesamte Deal-Phase. Dabei übernehme ich nicht nur die Selektion potenzieller Investitionen, sondern beteilige mich auch direkt an der Due Diligence und treffe eigenständige Entscheidungen über Co-Investments.

My role is characterized by professionalism, agility, and a high level of commitment. In particular, my strengths lie in supporting due diligence processes and providing industry-specific expertise.

As a continuous point of contact, I accompany selected transactions from the evaluation phase in the Investment Committee through negotiations to closing and beyond. Through active monitoring and support in the exit strategy to my network, I ensure that I am perceived as a reliable and effective partner who significantly contributes to the success of each deal

Strategischer Investmentpartner

A key aspect of my role as a strategic investment partner involves close collaboration with Managing Directors of PE funds and Family Offices. Through regular communication, I ensure that all parties are continuously informed about current market developments and potential investment opportunities.

In addition to analytical and advisory activities, I am actively involved in the design and implementation of investment projects. This includes negotiating and structuring deals, overseeing portfolio companies, and initiating strategic measures to enhance value.

In the constantly evolving global economy, I strive to proactively identify new opportunities and develop innovative solutions. The goal is to adapt the portfolios of funds and family offices to changing market conditions and effectively protect and grow their assets.

Therefore, my role requires not only a deep understanding of financial instruments and markets but also a forward-thinking mindset and the ability to maintain and expand long-term relationships. Geographically, my focus is on the DACH region and the MENA region.

Vita - through the years

  • 2035

    After years of successfully working in the investment industry and building an impressive track record, I am starting my own asset management firm. This firm provides customized investment strategies for high net worth individuals, families and institutional investors. With an experienced team of financial professionals and a deep understanding of various asset classes, Wealth Management develops customized solutions to achieve clients' financial goals and preserve and grow their wealth over the long term.

  • 2032

    Nach erfolgreicher Tätigkeit in der Venture-Capital-Branche und der Schaffung signifikanter Wertsteigerung für die Investoren und Portfoliounternehmen gründe ich eine eigene Private-Equity-Gesellschaft SolvaEquity. Diese Firma konzentriert sich auf mittelständische Unternehmen, die Wachstumskapital, Expansion oder strategische Neuausrichtung benötigen. SolvaEquity nutzt das erworbene Fachwissen und die Branchenkontakte, um die Performance der Unternehmen zu optimieren und deren Wachstumspotenzial voll auszuschöpfen. Mit einem DPI von 1,6 und einem TVPI von 2,2 wächst die Gesellschaft von 500 Mio. Startvolumen auf 1,25 Mrd. innerhalb von 5 Vintages.

  • 2030

    After further investments and building up a valuable portfolio, I establish my own venture capital company Capital F. This company focuses on supporting startups and companies in their growth phase. It provides both financial and strategic resources. The VC firm builds a strong team that is able to identify the best investment opportunities and support the growth of all portfolio companies through a self-produced sourcing tool.

  • 2029

    Ich starte mit der Messaldo GmbH eine innovative Plattform namens DealDive, die speziell für Private-Equity-Gesellschaften konzipiert ist. Dieser KI-gestützte Marktplatz verändert die Art und Weise, wie Deals entdeckt und durchgeführt werden, und schafft ein globales Netzwerk aus Deal Findern. Teilnehmer können anonyme Details zu potenziellen Chancen teilen, wodurch PE-Firmen Zugang zu diesen Deals erhalten und in sie investieren können, was eine nahtlose Verbindung zwischen innovativen Projekten und Kapital ermöglicht.

  • 2027

    Mit fundierter Erfahrung und einem ausgeprägten Netzwerk besetze ich eine neue Position als strategischer Berater im Managementteam vom Londoner Hedgefonds Qube. Diese strategischen Maßnahmen führen nicht nur zu einer Verbesserung der Sharpe-Ratio auf 1,3, sondern auch zu einer Erhöhung des Alphas um 0,5% innerhalb von 2 Jahren.

  • 2024

    Als strategischer Investmentpartner und Direct Co-Investor einer PE-Gesellschaft verantworte ich die Identifizierung und Durchführung von Transaktion zwischen 10-50M im DACH- und Benelux-Raum mit Fokus auf Software-Unternehmen, speziell Business und Consumer Services.

  • 2023

    With Kapitalkraft I establish the investment brand of Messaldo GmbH. With it, we invest in early-stage companies from all industries in the EU region. In particular, in startups from the areas of digital health, artificial intelligence and renewable energies. The experienced team supports founders primarily in establishing corporate networking, marketing, software production and provides valuable management know-how.

  • 2021

    With Messaldo GmbH, I found an IT company that produces software for in-house and third-party purposes. In addition, it acquires shares in existing companies as a holding company and integrates them into internal processes.

  • 2020

    Gründe ich unser Family Office mit dem Ziel einer diversifizierten Vermögensanlage und Verfolgung philantropischer Aktivitäten. Der Fokus liegt u.a. an der Förderung der lokalen Produktion von Pharmazeutika in den afrikanischen Ländern Äthiopien, Ägypten, Ghana, Kenia und Nigeria. Das Ziel ist es langfristig der Bevölkerung den günstigen Zugang zu Medikamenten zu ermöglichen.

  • 2017

    Gemeinsam mit meinem Mitgesellschafter übernehme ich in Deutschland einen weiteren Standort als Filialpraxis und erziele eine Umsatzsteigerung i.H.v. 63% zum Vorjahresvergleich und reduziere die Kosten von 42,5% auf 31,4%. Beginn einer weiteren Buy & Build-Strategie und geplanter Exit an eine PE-Gesellschaft mit 110+ Standorten bundesweit. (Stand: 2024)

  • 2015

    Als Gründer und Geschäftsführer eines MVZ in Dubai Healthcare City leite ich im Rahmen einer Buy & Build-Strategie die Expansion und errichte weitere Standorte in Freihandelszonen. Erreichter Jahresumsatz 17M. Exit mit einem Multiple von 9. 

  • 2013

    As part of my business start-up, I am setting up my own practice. According to Deutsche Bank, "youngest dentist in private practice in NRW". Increase in turnover of the practice after takeover in the first year in the amount of 32% and at the same time reduction of costs from 48% to 36%.

  • 2010

    After my license to practice medicine, I complete a part-time course of study during my residency and graduate with a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration.

  • 2008

    With the goal of a double license (medicine and dentistry), I begin my studies at the Heinrich Heine University in Düsseldorf. To be able to finance it, I work part-time in the sales department of the insurance and investment consultancy Swiss Life Select. I dedicate myself to financial consulting so intensively that I develop a passion for finance.

  • 2005

    Ich beginne mein Zahnmedizinstudium an der Universität Leipzig und besuche gleichzeitig humanmedizinische vorklinische Kurse, um das erste Staatsexamen zu absolvieren.

  • 2004

    As district youth champion in middle and long distance running I celebrate sporting successes in my youth years. After graduating from high school, I do my community service. 

  • 1985

    Born in Afghanistan, I grew up with my two brothers and parents in Kabul and had to go to Germany as a war refugee after the invasion of the Soviet Union.


Many people are acutely aware of their weaknesses while their strengths often remain unnoticed. However, intensive self-reflection allows us to gain a balanced understanding of our capabilities. By identifying and assessing both our strengths and weaknesses, we create a foundation for continual self-improvement. This process of constant self-awareness and targeted personal development enables us to minimize our weaknesses and enhance our strengths over time. It is through these insights that we also discover talents, leading us to engage in activities that bring us joy and increase our overall life satisfaction. By actively shaping our personal growth, we effect positive changes in our lives, both professionally and personally.

Business acumen 100%
Commercial acumen 100%
Thinking through first principles 100%
Resilience 100%
Networking skills 100%
Goal orientation 100%
Forward-thinking 100%
Time management 100%
Integrity 100%
Risk Management 95%
EQ 90%
Creativity 90%
Communication 90%
Entschlusskraft 90%
Critical thinking 85%
Tech-Savvy 85%
Micromanagement 80%
weltgewandt 80%


